Thursday, 14 March 2013

Bond Title sequence

Week beginning 11th March

This week I began working on the final part of the motion graphics assignment which was to create a cinematic sequence for James Bond I used a variety of provided footage to create a basic composit which I then fine tuned across the week.  

Monday, 25 February 2013

I have a blog?

Hello Children.

Last term we were doin' something to do with motion sequences and shit.

In this sequence I've been trying to find images that I think would make a realistic background, I plan to add more images of building to make the background standout. A major problem that I've got with this piece of work is trying to find the right images for the background and trying to make those images fit with the background. I need to colour correct the background images with the foreground image to make the final piece realistic.

Lumakey: a means of seperating a foreground image from its backgorund by use of difference in brightness.

Alpha Channel or Matte (Digital): Mattes are used to combine two or more image elements into a single, final images and are in effect an alpha channel is the portion of a 4-channel image file that is used to store transparency information.  

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

My Character Fred Astarie

My characters is based off Fred Astaire so my character's outfit will be a top hat cut-away coat with white spats on his shoes. My character will be dancing in the city and then I might have the background change into some sort of meadow of avenue or maybe he'll be dancing in a ball room. I don't know what else to write so I'll just stick with this. These arfe images that I think might help me when I make my final character.


Monday, 10 December 2012

Motion Graphic

I learn't chromakey & Lumakey using After affects I learn't how to take one image putting it onto another which is called called compositing I did this to make the iamge look realistic.

I had difficulty making the foreground image not transparent and I lost my background.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Stop motion Sketch book work........I like PIZZA!

In this piece of work I had to create five different stop motion animation characters that is based around me and answer some questions about the characters and write about their personalities. I think that this piece of work is very good because it's helped to show me how creative I can be. I think that answering these questions was a good thing because It's helped me to understand the characters and to know their personalities.

This is a story board that I created for one of my five stop motion characters. I look at each of my five characters and thought about which one represents me the most. To create this I thought about what I do in my free time, all I do is play video games or class work, so I created a little story that about me playing video games I liked this story because I believe that this helps to show me through a character that I developed.

This is a Phenakistoscope that I drew in my sketch book the image in my phenakistoscope is a jigsaw piece, the reason that I decided to use this is because it's an object from a video game that I used to play when I was a child. I like this creation because it helps to show what I liked when I was a kid. Next to the phenakistoscope is a storyboard in Muybridge style and expalining whats happening in the phenakistoscope.  

Here I have made two new characters for my stop motion work, but this time I made two out of different media the first one is in a silhouette and the other out of collage. The collage character is made out of different video game characters from games that I've played in the past and ones that I play now.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Tuesday....I like Pizza

In today's lessons with Geoff I had to come up with a fantasy portrait rough drawing and do it in my sketch book, once I've done that I had to search the Internet finding pictures that I like that also relates to the sketch in my book then after I found that picture I need to put myself in the foreground of the picture using Photoshop.   

Friday, 5 October 2012

Recording File details

Friday 5th October

In today's lesson we've been annotating are work by writing the file details that we might use for our ideas in our sketch books.

 We need to think about:
  • Proposed file type: .TIFF
  • Print resolution: 300 dpi (min) 
  • Estimated file size: 1.5 mb 
  • Scale/Pixels: 1024x800